Sunday, February 6, 2005

Start in the Yard
Roll on the TraiIs
Skate like a Pro
Inspect your Skates
Tune-up your Skates
Get a Trail Guide

Inline Skating Lessons




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Rollerblading Trail Guides
Inline Skating Lessons — Beginner Rollerblading
“A one stop online shop for all of your inline skating lessons.”
Welcome to the Beginners page! The Inline Skating Center provides lessons and modules to help recreational, inline skaters become advanced, trail bladers. Our inline skating lessons are designed to take the beginner rollerblader from the schoolyard to the trail in one season.
Our rollerblading lessons are geared to enhancing the skills of the beginner until he or she learns to skate with confidence and control. We’ll share our insights and teach you how to skate all of the terrain on the trail. But first, you need to start in the yard!
Start in the Yard
The beginner rollerblader needs to practice in a safe, controlled environment away from any crowds, traffic, or noise. Try and locate a smooth, outdoor rink in your neighborhood. If you can’t find a rink, look for a quiet, secluded schoolyard or church compound, with a flat, paved surface.
The novice skater starts off in a yard for a number of reasons. First, you have to contend with new skates, poor stance and balance, and not much experience at stopping, so a safe enclosure with no streets is your first priority. Second, you’re tight and nervous your first few times out, so you need to find a place where you can relax and get comfortable. Third, for the first five or six practice sessions you’re just going to be stopping and starting, turning around pylons, striding over short distances, and getting used to your equipment.
Therefore, beginner rollerblading doesn’t require anything other than a small, flat yard. Be patient, build your confidence on skates, learn to relax, get your movements under control, and master the basic maneuvers in the yard. If you hit the streets or trails too early, you’re confidence and control can take a turn for the worse if something goes wrong! You don’t want this to happen, so skate in the yard until your ready. How do you know when it’s time to move on? Read on to find out!
Lesson #1: For Beginners Only
For Beginners Only is the first lesson in our three-part skating series. Four basic maneuvers are covered in this introductory lesson.
First, the novice skater learns to establish the proper stance for inline skating, which is dubbed the staggered stance. Second, we delve into one of the most important maneuvers of all, the heel stop. Next, the best way to turn on inline skates is covered including edging and weight distribution. Finally, we put it all together with the striding and gliding procedure, which shows the beginner rollerblader how to skate with smooth, effective movements.
Depending on the individual, it should take about twelve hours of practice or six, two-hour sessions. When you’re skating in a controlled and relaxed manner, and the procedures in this lesson start to become second nature, then it’s time to move on.
This beginner rollerblading lesson prepares you for Lesson #2: Intermediate Trail Skating. In the second lesson, you apply your new knowledge and skills while rolling on marked trails of variable length and terrain. Lesson #2 teaches you how to skate effectively on short trails and flat terrain.
Ordering the Lesson or Module
To order Lesson #1, click below:
For Beginners Only
To order our complete set of inline skating lessons, click Skating Module below:
Skating Module
About our Inline Skating Lessons
Our inline skating lessons are unique for the following reasons:
Step-wise Instructions and Ample Illustrations
All procedures are written in clear and concise steps, with feedback where necessary, for ease of understanding and student retention. In addition, all of our skating lessons are well illustrated. The photos and drawings serve to clarify the instructions.
Solid Foundation in the First Lesson
The student is free to advance at his or her own pace, but it’s recommended that he or she only moves on after mastering the maneuvers in a particular lesson, which often entails a certain amount of practice and mileage. In this way, the student builds the correct foundation right from the start in lesson #1 and adds more and more skills as he or she progresses from lesson #1 through to lesson #3.
A Progressive Structure and Complete Curriculum
Our inline skating lessons are designed to take the beginner inline skater from the schoolyard to the trails within a single season. To reach this goal, the lessons are set up as a progression so the novice skater can get comfortable with the basic maneuvers in lesson #1 before moving on to the intermediate material in lesson #2, and the advanced procedures in lesson #3.
In addition, our inline skating lessons teach you everything you need to know to become an advanced, recreational inline skater. There is no need to go anywhere else for lessons. The three-part skating series provides complete coverage of the subject matter.

We have inline skating articles posted on the site. Here are the topics that we’ve covered so far:

ABEC Ratings

Buying Wheels

The T-Stop

Longer Strides
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Are you looking for a place to skate when you’re on vacation? The Inline Skating site at About.com has a category called the Best Places to Skate.
Over the coming months they’re going to feature the best of the best in the US and Canada. You’ll want to bookmark the site and check in before you head out on vacation.
Best Places